New Organization Alert Page & Alert Hub Enhancement – Building a Scalable Foundation with Dashboard – Cisco Meraki

Use this toggle to enable the Organization Alerts page, shown in Figure 3-11, as well as the network-level Alert Hub. The Organization Alerts page provides a consolidated view of alerts for all platforms deployed across the organization. To access this page, navigate to Organization > Alerts from any Dashboard page.

Figure 3-11 The New Organization Alerts Page

The Organization Alerts view provides an easy to check report of device statuses across all networks in an organization and can be filtered to narrow the displayed results based on severity, alert type, network, or device type. This provides an excellent top-down view of any alerts present across an organization regardless of organization size or deployment distribution, which results in a shorter time to identify issues, leading to a quicker time to resolution.

When working on any page within an individual network, the network-level Alert Hub notification icon appears in the upper-right corner of the window, as shown in Figure 3-12. This feature provides an easy to access view that consolidates all alerts for the current network into a single panel, as shown in Figure 3-13. These are the same alerts that you can view from the Organization Alerts page but filtered to show only alerts for the currently selected network. From this panel, you can quickly navigate to a problematic device or easily triage a series of alerts for a given network to make addressing the inevitable issue a less stress-inducing task.

Figure 3-12 The Alert Hub Notification Icon

Figure 3-13 The Alert Hub Notification Panel for the Meraki SF HQ Network

For more information on the new Organization Alerts page and Alert Hub, visit and view the “Alerts” article.

Switching Overview

Use this toggle to access the new Switching Overview feature, which consolidates key performance indicators and provides crucial planning information related to switches in a given network. Details like port utilization, PoE budget, and more help Dashboard users to have clearer visibility when reviewing device provisioning and statuses, thereby assisting in planning for future network needs.

You can access the Switching Overview panel after enabling the feature by going to the Network-wide > Clients page of any network and selecting the Switches modal of the Health section, as demonstrated in Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14 The new Switching Overview feature

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