Org-wide Health – Building a Scalable Foundation with Dashboard – Cisco Meraki

The Organization Overview page in your Meraki Dashboard provides a high-level overview of each of the networks contained within the current organization. Its purpose is to elevate data to help you find the “needle in the haystack.” You can expand the network list view by selecting the left-facing arrow at the top left of the network list on the right of the page, and add additional columns to get more overview information, such as Firmware Status or Network Health, for each of the listed networks by clicking the + button in the top-right corner of the table and selecting the column or columns to add, as shown in Figure 3-3.


Figure 3-3 The Organization Overview Page Showing the Expanded Network List for the Meraki HQ Organization

For example, to view firmware-related statuses for each network in the organization, click the + sign and select the Firmware Security and Firmware Status options to add the corresponding columns to the table.

Pro Tip

Most tables in the Meraki Dashboard can display additional columns of related information.

Firmware Status

Meraki manages device firmware statuses on a per-network basis and will notify administrators when an optional firmware upgrade is available for a given network with the Upgrade Available status in the Firmware Status column, as shown in Figure 3-4. A status of Upgrade Scheduled indicates a firmware upgrade has actively been scheduled for the specified network.


Figure 3-4 The Organization Overview Page Showing the Current Firmware Security and Status of Each Network

The Firmware Security column reports whether any critical security patches are missing for specific devices in a given network outside the general firmware availability. If a status of Custom is displayed in the Firmware Status column, that indicates that a specific firmware has been statically configured to run on one or more devices in the network by Meraki Support, in which case you will need to engage Meraki Support to remove the static mapping before any additional changes can be made to the firmware for that network.

The Organization Overview page provides quick, organization-wide visibility and easily accessible notifications related to firmware security and current upgrade status for each network within the organization.

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